The 5S system is based around five Japanese words all starting with the letter'S', and hence has been given the name 5S.
There are several systems promoted in the Western world that use slightly differing definitions of these words, but the methodology does not vary.
Seiri: Sort. You must first ask what is actually needed in an area. This is similar to spring-cleaning. If you don't use it, get rid of it or store it in the right place.
Define how much is needed and identify where it should be placed (information, tools, equipment, material, etc) and put what is left in a logical order.
Seiton: Straighten or set in order. Everything has its own place and should be located where it is to be used and organised for a smooth flow.
Often referred to as 'a place for everything, and everything in its place'.
This phase includes colour coding, labelling and other methods of easy identification.
The 5S system is based around five Japanese words all starting with the letter'S', and hence has been given the name 5S.
There are several systems promoted in the Western world that use slightly differing definitions of these words, but the methodology does not vary.
Seiri: Sort. You must first ask what is actually needed in an area. This is similar to spring-cleaning. If you don't use it, get rid of it or store it in the right place.
Define how much is needed and identify where it should be placed (information, tools, equipment, material, etc) and put what is left in a logical order.
Seiton: Straighten or set in order. Everything has its own place and should be located where it is to be used and organised for a smooth flow.
Often referred to as 'a place for everything, and everything in its place'.
This phase includes colour coding, labelling and other methods of easy identification.
To this end, 5S uses its process to create and maintain an organised, clean and efficient setting that enables the highest level of value-added performance.
This means eliminating search, travel, transporting materials, inventory.
It achieves its ends by introducing organisation and orderliness, eliminating unneeded materials and establishing self-discipline.
Training will often include the completion of a workplace assessment, and/or 'waste hunt' using the criteria of the five 'S's.
Action will be identified during this process to streamline the workflows.
This is then followed by a 'Red Tag' event - any item not required is removed, or 'tagged' pending a decision on where it should be stored.
Excess equipment/material is often sold off, donated, recycled or removed to its rightful place.
This is part of the 'Sort' process.
Once any surplus items have been removed the team then decides where, how much and how remaining items should be stored.
This often includes colour coding, installation of storage systems, shadowboards, labelling, etc This is known as 'Set in Order'.
This is also a good time to really challenge the existing workflows, and try to reduce retrieval times for tools, equipment, material and information.
A good guide is that material should be capable of being retrieved 'right first time' within 30 seconds in the immediate work area, and two minutes within a department.
If you cannot achieve this then you should go back and ask the basic question - 'Is this the right place for this item/s?'.
A clean-up and often a new coat of paint is applied in the next step - 'Shine'.
This step, if implemented properly, will install a sense of pride in the workplace and ensure that it is easy to keep in pristine condition - Tour Ready'.
The next step is to 'Standardise' methods for maintaining the workplace in the new condition - maintenance standards (no oil leaks or spillages), cleaning standards and frequencies, lubrication standards, storage standards, etc. Most companies neglect to do this step and often find that their plant/process/office reverts back to the original state over a period of time.
The final step is to develop a method of 'Sustaining' improvements in the workplace.
This is often done through a series of ongoing assessments carried out by the work area team and supported by management.
Impact on safety Implementing a 5S program will improve safety and reduce the risk profile of a work area, but it does not focus on safety directly.
Many companies have realised this and have now included safety into their 5S programs, and now call these either 6S or 55+1 programs.
The Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Association found that companies that have implemented a 65 program made even further gains on their safety and productivity results.
Ideally, the new 6S system will follow the following sequence - Sort, Set in Order, Safety, Shine, Standardise, Sustain.
Once the original clutter is removed then safety, work practices, access, risk exposure, etc can be assessed and actioned.
When we start 'setting in order' we can review the new process for ergonomic risk and repetitive use injury risk and ensure that appropriate systems are built into the new methods.
The introduction of Safety as the sixth 'S' allows us to create and maintain an organised, clean, safe and efficient setting that enables the highest level of value-added and risk-free performance.
Companies that have included Safety into their existing 5S program, and are now reaping the benefits of lower risk profiles, include US Defence Forces, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and many food processors and pharmaceutical manufacturers (HACCP and food contamination risks).
The next step is to 'Standardise' methods for maintaining the workplace in the new condition - maintenance standards (no oil leaks or spillages), cleaning standards and frequencies, lubrication standards, storage standards, etc. Most companies neglect to do this step and often find that their plant/process/office reverts back to the original state over a period of time.
The final step is to develop a method of 'Sustaining' improvements in the workplace.
This is often done through a series of ongoing assessments carried out by the work area team and supported by management.
Impact on safety Implementing a 5S program will improve safety and reduce the risk profile of a work area, but it does not focus on safety directly.
Many companies have realised this and have now included safety into their 5S programs, and now call these either 6S or 55+1 programs.
The Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Association found that companies that have implemented a 65 program made even further gains on their safety and productivity results.
Ideally, the new 6S system will follow the following sequence - Sort, Set in Order, Safety, Shine, Standardise, Sustain.
Once the original clutter is removed then safety, work practices, access, risk exposure, etc can be assessed and actioned.
When we start 'setting in order' we can review the new process for ergonomic risk and repetitive use injury risk and ensure that appropriate systems are built into the new methods.
The introduction of Safety as the sixth 'S' allows us to create and maintain an organised, clean, safe and efficient setting that enables the highest level of value-added and risk-free performance.Companies that have included Safety into their existing 5S program, and are now reaping the benefits of lower risk profiles, include US Defence Forces, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and many food processors and pharmaceutical manufacturers (HACCP and food contamination risks).
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