26 December 2024

Aluminium formwork - Mivan (brand) shuttering


  • A construction technique that uses aluminum formworks to quickly build strong and durable buildings. 
  • It's a popular method for mass construction and is well-suited for building many houses in a short time

1.      Prepare the site: Level the ground and lay a gravel bed
2.      Position the panels: Use steel props and wall ties to place the panels in position
3.      Arrange the panels: Form the walls, columns, and beams according to the building plan
4.      Tighten the wall ties: Hold the panels in place by tightening the wall ties
5.      Install the beam panels: Install the beam side and bottom panels to form the beams
6.      Install the deck panels: Install the deck panels to form the floor slabs
7.      Seal the joints: Use a special jointing compound to seal the joints between the panels
8.      Finish the walls and slabs: Apply plaster or paint to the walls and slabs

a.     Total structure is RCC with aluminium formwork material shuttering is cost-effective for repetitive building layouts and above the plinth work.

b.     Install the aluminium formwork material as per the design which includes walls, in built beams, slab & RMC pour through concrete buckets using cranes.

c.     In this process RMC pour through concrete buckets using cranes. So, zero percentage of wastage & when compare to convention method labour charges are very low. 

d.     In this process it doesn’t take many steps to construct after installation of formwork, concreting process done for slab, beams, walls at a time. 

e.     After de-shuttering the aluminium formwork, we can observe smooth finish and it don't require any finishing process.  

f.      Here slabs, walls are concreting at a time therefore we use only single grade of concrete.

g.     In this system total structure will be concrete so the structure has more strength, durability, value.  

h.     Here there is no point of beams & columns specially but the loads of deck slab are transformed to all the wall. Wall can act like both beams and columns and give strength to the structure. 

i.      By completing a floor of de-shuttering process, it is ready to start the next floor process. 

j.      At the time of aluminium formwork installation, we left some portion based on electrical & plumbing design.  

k.     Panel Dimensions Width of panels 50 mm,100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm, Height 200 mm to 2.5 m.

l.      Generally, we are using GI [Galvanized Iron] or MS [Mild steel] material for the jacks.  

m.    Shuttering materials will be calculated based on sq.m even for spare panels requirement.

n.     In assembling panels for a 1000 sqft. 3 to 5 carpenters are needed. 

o.     For purchase of the Aluminium material 8000 Rs. per sq.m as a basic price.

p.     best price in hiring the material to any customer as a Centring Contractor to construction sites will be around Rs.60/- per sft per month.

Basic price with taxes i.e. GST 18 % , packing charges, forward charges , transport charges etc. are to be borne by customer only.